Exclusive Offers at Pancho el de la Villa
Discover the exclusive offers of Pancho el de la Villa. Take advantage of the unique benefits of our loyalty programme and come and celebrate authentic Mexican and Canarian cuisine with us in Playa Honda, Lanzarote!
At Pancho el de la Villa, we are committed to providing our customers not only with an exceptional dining experience, but also with incredible value. In our offers section, you will find a variety of promotions and discounts specially designed to enrich your visit to our restaurant.

🎉 We are celebrating 🎉
We are already 1000 on Instagram! To thank you for your support, we are giving away 1000 Margaritas 🍸 to our followers.
Just follow these steps:
Just be a follower on our official instagram account and make a comment on one of our posts to tell your friends about it, click on "Request your Margarita" and complete the form, you will receive a code in your email to redeem your Margarita at Pancho el de la Villa. Don't miss it! Valid while stocks last.

"Amigos de Pancho" Loyalty Programme
Join the "Amigos de Pancho" programme and enjoy up to 5% discount on every visit as a Gold member.
Maximise your savings while delighting your palate at Pancho el de la Villa.
Discover the levels of our loyalty programme "Amigos de Pancho":
2% Bronze, 3%Silver and 5%Gold.
Reach Gold status and enjoy up to 5% discount on every visit - increase your benefits as you progress from Bronze and Silver, accumulate points and enjoy exclusive offers!"